Setting your pay period | Probuild Support
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Setting your pay period

Some businesses pay their employees weekly, some pay them monthly, and others pay them bi-weekly. Learn how to change the pay-period of your business.

  1. Tap on the icon to move to the furthest right tab

Screenshot showing the action involved in completing this step

  1. Tap on Business Profile to open the business profile

Screenshot showing the action involved in completing this step

  1. Tap on EDIT to edit the business profile

Screenshot showing the action involved in completing this step

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the business profile screen

Screenshot showing the action involved in completing this step

  1. Tap on Payroll Schedule to modify the schedule on which your employees get paid

Screenshot showing the action involved in completing this step

  1. This will allow you to select the pay period type. In this case, we’ll change the pay period to weekly

Screenshot showing the action involved in completing this step

  1. Tap on End Date to select the day on which your most recent pay period ends

Screenshot showing the action involved in completing this step

  1. Select the day on which your most recent pay period ends and tap OK

Screenshot showing the action involved in completing this step

  1. You can now verify that your settings are correct by making sure that Current Period displays the current pay period for your business

Screenshot showing the action involved in completing this step