Adding a photo to an estimate or invoice | Probuild Support
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Adding a photo to an estimate or invoice

Adding photos to your estimates and invoices can make your estimates more clear, as well as make your company look more professional.

  1. Open an estimate / or invoice that you wish to add photos to. Tap on the Edit button to begin editing

Screenshot showing the action involved in completing this step

  1. Scroll down to the PHOTOS section and tap on Add photo

Screenshot showing the action involved in completing this step

  1. Take or select the photo you wish to add, and then tap Done

Screenshot showing the action involved in completing this step

  1. You can then add a description for the photo and then tap Done

Screenshot showing the action involved in completing this step

  1. Your photo will now appear in the estimate. Tapping on Preview will bring you back to the preview of the document

Screenshot showing the action involved in completing this step

  1. Your newly added photo will appear in the estimate.

Screenshot showing the action involved in completing this step