Setting your pay period | Probuild Support
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Setting your pay period

Some businesses pay their employees weekly, some pay them monthly, and others pay them bi-weekly.

  1. Tap on the gear in the top left

Screenshot showing the action involved in completing this step

  1. Tap on Business Profile

Screenshot showing the action involved in completing this step

  1. Scroll down to the Pay Period section of the business profile

Screenshot showing the action involved in completing this step

  1. Tap on Schedule to select your pay period type

Screenshot showing the action involved in completing this step

  1. Use the pay period selector to select your new pay period type and then tap Done

Screenshot showing the action involved in completing this step

  1. Tap on End Date to set the last day of your most recent pay period

Screenshot showing the action involved in completing this step

  1. Use the date selector to choose the appropriate end date and then tap Done

Screenshot showing the action involved in completing this step

  1. Verify that your new current pay period is correct

Screenshot showing the action involved in completing this step