Managing permissions | Probuild Support
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Managing permissions

Customize your business settings to control who has access to what information.

  1. Tap on the gear in the top left.

Screenshot showing the action involved in completing this step

  1. Tap on Access Permissions

Screenshot showing the action involved in completing this step

  1. From this screen you can select which type of permissions you wish to modify. In this case, we’ll update the permissions for who can edit estimates and invoices, so we’ll tap on Edit estimates & invoices

Screenshot showing the action involved in completing this step

  1. By default, workers do not have permission to edit estimates and invoices. We can give them permission by sliding this switch to the on position.

Screenshot showing the action involved in completing this step

  1. Alternatively, we can also give specific users additional permission without changing permissions for all users in a given role. We do this by simply tapping on ADD USER and selecting the user from the list

Screenshot showing the action involved in completing this step

  1. Now workers will be able to create and edit estimates and invoices themselves.