Editing an existing timesheet | Probuild Support
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Editing an existing timesheet

Learn how to edit an existing timesheet

  1. Tap on the timesheets tab

Screenshot showing the action involved in completing this step

  1. Tap on the timesheet you wish to edit

Screenshot showing the action involved in completing this step

  1. From the timesheet view, you can edit the start and end times, change the linked project, and edit notes.

Screenshot showing the action involved in completing this step

  1. When you’re done making changes, tap on the back arrow to save.

Screenshot showing the action involved in completing this step

Need to edit another team member’s timesheet?

If you’ve been assigned the role of Admin or Manager, you have the ability to edit another team member’s timesheets by default. See this guide for more information on managing Access Permissions.

  1. From the timesheets tab, tap on View All Users

Screenshot showing the action involved in completing this step

  1. Tap on the user who’s timesheet you wish to open

Screenshot showing the action involved in completing this step

  1. Select the timesheet you wish to edit and follow steps 3 and 4 above.

Screenshot showing the action involved in completing this step